
发布日期:2024-04-25 10:45    点击次数:120

近日,雅高集团正式任命吴艳丽女士(Michelle Wu)担任水月周庄铂尔曼酒店总经理一职,全面负责酒店运营及战略发展工作。

吴艳丽女士拥有超过20多年的酒店从业经验,并先后就职于多个国际酒店品牌担任重要的管理职位,包扩雅高,洲际,丽笙酒店集团等。富有战略思维并善于在市场竞争中充分发挥酒店的优势以赢得更多的市场份额; 知人善用且擅长激励团队、激发灵感,令团队彰显活力与创意。履新之前,担任苏州纽威丽筠酒店总经理。以创新的产品提升客人的入住体验,并带领团队在各方面取得骄人的业绩。在整体运营方面拥有卓越的领导力和丰富的酒店管理经验。

吴艳丽女士此次回到雅高集团,秉承铂尔曼 “致力于为白领精英打造启迪心灵、唤醒活力的丰富体验”的品牌宗旨,她将以其专业的管理经验,与充满活力的团队共同努力,更好地满足宾客休闲度假需求,带领宾客探索吴地千年文化传统与法式时尚兼容的独特魅力,体验“中国第一水乡”——周庄这座温婉江南水韵古镇的人文精粹。


Recently, Accor Group officially appointed Ms. Michelle Wu as the General Manager of Pullman Zhouzhuang, with overall responsibility for the hotel operations and strategic development.

Ms. Wu has more than twenty years of experience in the hospitality industry, also has worked with different international hotel brands, such as Accor Group, InterContinental Hotels Group, Radisson Hotels Group and so on in her career. Strong skills on marketing and business management, great strategic thinking and planning. Giving full play to the hotel’s advantages to win greater market performance in the competitive market. Great leadership and communication skills, particularly at motivating and inspiring people, the team demonstrates vitality and creativity. Prior to this post, Ms. Wu acted as the General Manager for Radisson Suzhou. During her tenure, she improved the guest experience with innovative products, and led the team to achieve impressive performance, also excellent leadership and extensive hotel management experience in overall operations.

Ms. Wu returned to the Accor Group this time, adhering to Pullman's purpose of

“Enriches new entrepreneurs by inspiring minds & energizing bodies”, she will work with the hotel team to provide the genuine service and incredible stay experience to better meet the needs of guests for leisure and holiday. Meanwhile, to guide the guests to explore the unique State of Wu’s thousand-year-old cultural tradition compatible with French fashion, and experience the human sights of "China's First Water Town" - Zhouzhuang, a typical ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River.

In her spare time, Ms. Wu enjoys reading, traveling, pursuing art culture and authentic lifestyles. She’s honored to be thriving with Accor Group as a female General Manager.




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